Hair Brand Campaign
Paid / Photography / StillsNonunion
Key Details
Seeking talent from Los Angeles, CA
Roles paying up to $1,500.00
About the project
Seeking men and women between the ages of 35-45 for the upcoming hair campaign from an award-winning hair brand.
Roles in this project
Role 1
Outgoing Male Model
Role Type
Models. Male. 35-45
About Role
A male model with a full head of hair between the ages of 35-45. Male model should be approachable with a great personality.
Ethnicity: Asian, Latino / Hispanic, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
Pre-Screen Requests:Video
Ethnicity: Asian, Latino / Hispanic, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
Pre-Screen Requests:Video
Role 2
Outgoing Female Model
Role type
Models. Female. 35-45
About Role
A female model with a great head of hair for upcoming campaign. Female model should be approachable with a great personality.
Ethnicity: Asian, Latino / Hispanic, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
Pre-Screen Requests:Video
Ethnicity: Asian, Latino / Hispanic, Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander, White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel
Pre-Screen Requests:Video
Dates & Locations
Dates & Locations
Shoots tentatively on first week of December in Los Angeles, CA.
Compensation & Contract
All Roles
Total Pay: $1,500.00 for an estimated 10 hours of work (flat rate)
Pays $1,500/10 hr. day; usage buyout.